Profile Category: <span>Teamlid Fit</span>

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I am Rebecca, 28 years old and since three years coach and entrepreneur in the health & food industry. Proud expert of a result of -20 kg weight, -12% Fat and 200% More Energy. By experiencing this difference, I decided to help other people with the same goals. What started as a hobby has grown into my greatest passion and serious business.



1.5 years ago I came into contact with the Fitplan, Herbalife Nutrition and skeptical as I was I started with curiosity ... I wanted to learn more about nutrition & especially nutrition around exercise. Wow, 1.5 years later and I never thought it would have that much influence! More muscles, tighter, better recovery after exercise, but above all learned to have a healthy eating mindset & to feel confident. My body deserves to be well fed, just like every body deserves it! There is nothing as wonderful as living a healthy life yourself and communicating this to others. That is why I am on a mission together with our Fit Impact Team; we want to make an impact on people. And help other people to become the best version of themselves; healthy & happy

Bertina Bodmer

Bertina Bodmer

Hi Hi!

I am Bertina Bodmer.
Recently started coaching at Fitimpactteam.

In January 2020 I was introduced to the Herbalife products and since then I have become very enthusiastic.
It gives me more energy, I have become much more aware of how nutrients can mean for your body and I feel great / tighter in my skin.

A great feeling that I would like to share with you!
In addition, I want to guide more and more people and introduce them to this great experience.

Everyone is Unique!
It is wonderful to sit comfortably in your body and to radiate!



Hi Hi! I am Noëlle.

I was brought up by my parents to eat healthy, but in recent years I was not very conscious about it until I came across Marouschka and Rebecca.

Since 1 year I am now consciously healthy, I have been a triathlete, and now a fanatic cyclist. I notice through good, healthy food and the supplement of herbalife nutrition that I perform much better, can maintain more kms and also maintain a higher pace in the longer term.
I also have a lot of energy and feel fit.
This is why I now also want to help other people to a healthier, balanced life.

Ada Jonkers

Ada Jonkers

Hi, I am Ada Jonkers
For over 2 years I have been busy with herbalife and good nutrition!
I am a lot fitter and have more energy!
Also good result in weight and centimeters.
Due to the healthy diet and exercise, I was also able to stop the medication for rheumatism, now only if necessary !!
That is why I love to help people to a better version of themselves by coaching them 1 on 1!